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2008年11月9日 星期日

[OS] Chapter3 -- Processes

http://www.csie.ntnu.edu.tw/~swanky/os/chap10.htm -> IPC

Process: the unit of work in most systems
包含:code section, data section, program counter, registers, stack, etc.
Program is a passive entity(是死的); Process is an active entity(是活的)
Processes of the same program: same text section, different data sections
Thread: a basic unit of CPU utilization
Threads of the same process: same code & data section, other resources.
<對照習題4.5, Fig.4.11,fork出child process時是複製data,

Process state: new, waiting, ready, running, terminated
Process control block (PCB) -- information representing a process:
1. Process state
2. Program counter
3. CPU registers
4. CPU-scheduling information
5. Memory-management information
6. Accounting information
7. I/O status information

Scheduling queues:
1. Job queue -- containing all processes in the system.
2. Ready queue -- those in memory that are ready to be executed.
3. Device queue -- processes waiting for that device.

1. Long-term scheduler (Job scheduler, Admission scheduler):
從Job Queue中挑選合適的Jobs,將其載入到Memory中(放進ready Q)準備執行。
a. 執行的頻率不高
b. 可控制degree of Multiprogramming
c. 可調和I/O Bound與CPU Bound Job比例混合
d. 適用於batch system,不適用於time-sharing, real-time systems。
2. Short-term scheduler:
從Ready Queue中挑選priority較高之process,使其獲得CPU的控制權。
a. 執行頻率很高
b. 必須非常快,否則浪費CPU time
c. 適用於所有系統
3. Medium-term scheduler:
a. swap out: remove processes from memory to "reduce the
the degree of multiprogramming"
b. swap in: reintroduce the swapped-out processes
into memory
c. 可調和I/O bound與CPU bound Job比例
d. 適用Time sharing system

Context switch:
Save the state of old process and load the state of new process.

fork() system call: creates a new process
exec() system call: load a binary file into memory and execute
wait() system call: wait for child process to complete
exit() system call: process terminates
abort() system call: terminate execution of child process

Inter-Process Communication
Independent process -- can't affect or be affected by others
Cooperating process -- can affect or be affected by others
1. Information sharing
2. Computation speedup
3. Modularity
4. Convenience
Cooperating processes require an IPC mechanism:
1. Shared memory
2. Message passing
<對照study guide: ch10的補充>

Client-Server Communication
1. Remote procedure calls (RPC)
Client's Stub locates the server and packs parameters
Server's Skeleton unpacks parameters and performs procedures
2. Remote method invocation (RMI)
Java mechanism similar to RPC, except:
a. Invoking a method directly without a matchmaker.
b. Ordinary data structures without packaging(marshalling).



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