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2008年11月9日 星期日

[OS] Chapter5 -- CPU scheduling


Process execution consists of a "cycle" of CPU bursts and I/O bursts.
CPU-burst distribution follow a (hyper)exponential pattern.
=> I/O bound programs: many short CPU bursts(左半邊)
CPU bound programs: a few long CPU bursts(右半邊)

Recall process states:
new, waiting, ready, running, terminated

CPU scheduling decisions may take place when a process:
1. running -> waiting [I/O or event wait]
2. running -> ready [interrupt]
3. waiting -> ready [I/O or event completion]
4. running -> terminates
Scheduling under 1 and 4 is nonpreemptive.
Scheduling under 2 and 3 is preemptive.

Dispatcher transfers control of CPU to selected process, involving:
1. Context switching
2. Switching to user mode
3. Jumping to proper location in user program to 'restart' that program

Scheduling performance criteria/objectives:
[max]1. CPU utilization - CPU用在process執行的時間比率
[max]2. Throughput(產能) - 單位時間內完成的工作數量
[min]3. Turn around Time - submission ~ completion
[min]4. ★Waiting Time - total/average waiting time in "ready queue"
[min]5. Response Time - submission ~ 1st response
在time-sharing system及user-interactive system中特別強調
# Fair(排班時儘量要求公平)
# No Starvation(避免飢餓)
# Support "priority" scheduling
# Resource Utilization ↑

Scheduling algorithms: [建議study guide整段全看]
1. First-come, first-served (FCFS):
Long average waiting time
Convoy effect(護衛效應) -- lower CPU and I/O utilization

2. Shortest-job-first (SJF): [證明是optimum]
Actually "shortest next CPU burst"
Difficulty: next CPU burst難以估計 -> used in long-term scheduling
[變種1] Approximate SJF:
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)
τn+1 = (α)tn + (1-α)τn
= (α)tn + (1-α)(α)tn-1 + ... + (1-α)^n(α)t0 + (1-α)^(n+1)*τ0
{α=1/2} = 1/2tn + 1/4tn-1 + ... + 1/2^(n+1)t0 + 1/2^(n+1)τ0

Non-preemptive SJF -- SJF (Shortest Job First)
[變種2] Preemptive SJF -- SRTF (Shortest Remaining Time First)
若其剩餘的CPU burst time大於新到達的process之CPU burst time,

3. Priority:
關鍵在於priority value的定義方式: internal vs external
SJF是一種priority scheduling -- Priority is the "next CPU burst"
FCFS是一種priority scheduling -- Priority is the "arrival time"
Problem: Starvation -- Low priority processes may never execute.
=> Solution: Aging -- 隨著時間經過逐漸提高該process的priority

4. Round-robin (RR):
Time quantum: q
若未能在q內完成工作,則此process會被preempt掉,排到ready queue的尾端。
Time-sharing system使用RR
q too large => 趨近FCFS
q too small => overhead of context switching
Typically, higher turnaround than SJF, but better response. (fair)
Time quantum愈多 => context switch愈多,但與turnaround time並無明顯相關。

5. Multi-level queue:
將單一ready queue分成許多不同優先權等級的ready queues
每個Queue中可有自己的排班法則,如:foreground:RR, background: FCFS。
Queue與queue之間的scheduling: fixed priority, priority time slice.
Preemptive, possibility of starvation

6. Multi-level feedback scheduling
Still unfair, but prevent starvation
Design issues:
a. # of queues
b. Scheduling algorithms for each queue
c. 新Process進來該插到哪個queue
d. When to upgrade a process. e.g. Aging
e. When to downgrade a process. e.g. 在quantum內無法做完

# Fair:
2. RR
# No starvation:
2. RR
3. Multilevel Feedback Queue
# Non-preemptive:
2. SJF
3. Non-preemptive priority
# Preemptive:
2. Preemptive priority
3. RR
4. Multi-level queue
5. Multi-level feedback queue

Multiple-processor scheduling: (assuming homogeneous systems)
1. Asymmetric multiprocessing: 有master-slave processors
2. Symmetric multiprocessing(SMP): self-scheduling
a. common ready queue; b. separate ready queues.
Process affinity -- attempt to keep running on the same processor
Load sharing: push migration -- process觀察後自主換排
pull migration -- idle processor拉waiting process
Symmetric multithreading[SMT] or Intel's hyper-threading[HT] --
One physical processor[PP], multiple logical processors[LP]

Real-time scheduling:
Hard real-time -- within a guaranteed amount of time
=> Resource reservation is needed
Soft real-time -- only receive higher priority

Algorithm evaluation methods:
1. Deterministic modeling
Input: a given algorithm, a predetermined workload
Output: Corresponding performance
優:simple and fast
缺:too specific

2. Queuing models -- 排隊理論
Input: distribution of service time, process arrival time, etc.
Output: utilization, average queue, average waiting time, etc.
Little's formula:
n = λ * W
n:queue length; λ:arrival rate; W:waiting time (都是average)
優:compare algorithms
缺:只是理論估計,unrealistic,independent assumptions

3. Simulations -- Programming a model of the system
優:more accurate
缺:跑模擬費時,large storage,coding

4. Implementations -- Construct a read system
優:the most accurate way
缺:too costly, environment may change



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