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2008年11月9日 星期日

[OS] Chapter3 -- Processes

http://www.csie.ntnu.edu.tw/~swanky/os/chap10.htm -> IPC

Process: the unit of work in most systems
包含:code section, data section, program counter, registers, stack, etc.
Program is a passive entity(是死的); Process is an active entity(是活的)
Processes of the same program: same text section, different data sections
Thread: a basic unit of CPU utilization
Threads of the same process: same code & data section, other resources.
<對照習題4.5, Fig.4.11,fork出child process時是複製data,

Process state: new, waiting, ready, running, terminated
Process control block (PCB) -- information representing a process:
1. Process state
2. Program counter
3. CPU registers
4. CPU-scheduling information
5. Memory-management information
6. Accounting information
7. I/O status information

Scheduling queues:
1. Job queue -- containing all processes in the system.
2. Ready queue -- those in memory that are ready to be executed.
3. Device queue -- processes waiting for that device.

1. Long-term scheduler (Job scheduler, Admission scheduler):
從Job Queue中挑選合適的Jobs,將其載入到Memory中(放進ready Q)準備執行。
a. 執行的頻率不高
b. 可控制degree of Multiprogramming
c. 可調和I/O Bound與CPU Bound Job比例混合
d. 適用於batch system,不適用於time-sharing, real-time systems。
2. Short-term scheduler:
從Ready Queue中挑選priority較高之process,使其獲得CPU的控制權。
a. 執行頻率很高
b. 必須非常快,否則浪費CPU time
c. 適用於所有系統
3. Medium-term scheduler:
a. swap out: remove processes from memory to "reduce the
the degree of multiprogramming"
b. swap in: reintroduce the swapped-out processes
into memory
c. 可調和I/O bound與CPU bound Job比例
d. 適用Time sharing system

Context switch:
Save the state of old process and load the state of new process.

fork() system call: creates a new process
exec() system call: load a binary file into memory and execute
wait() system call: wait for child process to complete
exit() system call: process terminates
abort() system call: terminate execution of child process

Inter-Process Communication
Independent process -- can't affect or be affected by others
Cooperating process -- can affect or be affected by others
1. Information sharing
2. Computation speedup
3. Modularity
4. Convenience
Cooperating processes require an IPC mechanism:
1. Shared memory
2. Message passing
<對照study guide: ch10的補充>

Client-Server Communication
1. Remote procedure calls (RPC)
Client's Stub locates the server and packs parameters
Server's Skeleton unpacks parameters and performs procedures
2. Remote method invocation (RMI)
Java mechanism similar to RPC, except:
a. Invoking a method directly without a matchmaker.
b. Ordinary data structures without packaging(marshalling).

[OS] 證明:Shortest Job First [SJF] is the optimal scheduling algorithm

修改自 http://computing.dcu.ie/~humphrys/Notes/OS/processes.html

What is the optimal schedule?

In general, if in-order bursts are x1, x2, ..., xn, then:

For each dispatched process, waiting time = (好像計網概題目XD)
1st: 0
2nd: x1
3rd: x1 + x2
4th: x1 + x2 + x3
nth: x1 + x2 + ... + xn-1

=> Total waiting time
= (n-1) x1 + (n-2) x2 + ... + (2) xn-2 + (1) xn-1 + (0) xn

Obviously this sum is minimized if the xi's that are multiplied the most times are the smallest ones, i.e., x1 < x2 < ... < xn-1 < xn.
Thus, in non-preemptive scheduling, "Shortest Job First" (actually Shortest Next CPU burst) is optimal for the purpose of minimizing Average Waiting Time. #

算是個淺顯又不失嚴謹的證明法 希望有幫助囉^^

[OS] Chapter5 -- CPU scheduling


Process execution consists of a "cycle" of CPU bursts and I/O bursts.
CPU-burst distribution follow a (hyper)exponential pattern.
=> I/O bound programs: many short CPU bursts(左半邊)
CPU bound programs: a few long CPU bursts(右半邊)

Recall process states:
new, waiting, ready, running, terminated

CPU scheduling decisions may take place when a process:
1. running -> waiting [I/O or event wait]
2. running -> ready [interrupt]
3. waiting -> ready [I/O or event completion]
4. running -> terminates
Scheduling under 1 and 4 is nonpreemptive.
Scheduling under 2 and 3 is preemptive.

Dispatcher transfers control of CPU to selected process, involving:
1. Context switching
2. Switching to user mode
3. Jumping to proper location in user program to 'restart' that program

Scheduling performance criteria/objectives:
[max]1. CPU utilization - CPU用在process執行的時間比率
[max]2. Throughput(產能) - 單位時間內完成的工作數量
[min]3. Turn around Time - submission ~ completion
[min]4. ★Waiting Time - total/average waiting time in "ready queue"
[min]5. Response Time - submission ~ 1st response
在time-sharing system及user-interactive system中特別強調
# Fair(排班時儘量要求公平)
# No Starvation(避免飢餓)
# Support "priority" scheduling
# Resource Utilization ↑

Scheduling algorithms: [建議study guide整段全看]
1. First-come, first-served (FCFS):
Long average waiting time
Convoy effect(護衛效應) -- lower CPU and I/O utilization

2. Shortest-job-first (SJF): [證明是optimum]
Actually "shortest next CPU burst"
Difficulty: next CPU burst難以估計 -> used in long-term scheduling
[變種1] Approximate SJF:
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)
τn+1 = (α)tn + (1-α)τn
= (α)tn + (1-α)(α)tn-1 + ... + (1-α)^n(α)t0 + (1-α)^(n+1)*τ0
{α=1/2} = 1/2tn + 1/4tn-1 + ... + 1/2^(n+1)t0 + 1/2^(n+1)τ0

Non-preemptive SJF -- SJF (Shortest Job First)
[變種2] Preemptive SJF -- SRTF (Shortest Remaining Time First)
若其剩餘的CPU burst time大於新到達的process之CPU burst time,

3. Priority:
關鍵在於priority value的定義方式: internal vs external
SJF是一種priority scheduling -- Priority is the "next CPU burst"
FCFS是一種priority scheduling -- Priority is the "arrival time"
Problem: Starvation -- Low priority processes may never execute.
=> Solution: Aging -- 隨著時間經過逐漸提高該process的priority

4. Round-robin (RR):
Time quantum: q
若未能在q內完成工作,則此process會被preempt掉,排到ready queue的尾端。
Time-sharing system使用RR
q too large => 趨近FCFS
q too small => overhead of context switching
Typically, higher turnaround than SJF, but better response. (fair)
Time quantum愈多 => context switch愈多,但與turnaround time並無明顯相關。

5. Multi-level queue:
將單一ready queue分成許多不同優先權等級的ready queues
每個Queue中可有自己的排班法則,如:foreground:RR, background: FCFS。
Queue與queue之間的scheduling: fixed priority, priority time slice.
Preemptive, possibility of starvation

6. Multi-level feedback scheduling
Still unfair, but prevent starvation
Design issues:
a. # of queues
b. Scheduling algorithms for each queue
c. 新Process進來該插到哪個queue
d. When to upgrade a process. e.g. Aging
e. When to downgrade a process. e.g. 在quantum內無法做完

# Fair:
2. RR
# No starvation:
2. RR
3. Multilevel Feedback Queue
# Non-preemptive:
2. SJF
3. Non-preemptive priority
# Preemptive:
2. Preemptive priority
3. RR
4. Multi-level queue
5. Multi-level feedback queue

Multiple-processor scheduling: (assuming homogeneous systems)
1. Asymmetric multiprocessing: 有master-slave processors
2. Symmetric multiprocessing(SMP): self-scheduling
a. common ready queue; b. separate ready queues.
Process affinity -- attempt to keep running on the same processor
Load sharing: push migration -- process觀察後自主換排
pull migration -- idle processor拉waiting process
Symmetric multithreading[SMT] or Intel's hyper-threading[HT] --
One physical processor[PP], multiple logical processors[LP]

Real-time scheduling:
Hard real-time -- within a guaranteed amount of time
=> Resource reservation is needed
Soft real-time -- only receive higher priority

Algorithm evaluation methods:
1. Deterministic modeling
Input: a given algorithm, a predetermined workload
Output: Corresponding performance
優:simple and fast
缺:too specific

2. Queuing models -- 排隊理論
Input: distribution of service time, process arrival time, etc.
Output: utilization, average queue, average waiting time, etc.
Little's formula:
n = λ * W
n:queue length; λ:arrival rate; W:waiting time (都是average)
優:compare algorithms
缺:只是理論估計,unrealistic,independent assumptions

3. Simulations -- Programming a model of the system
優:more accurate
缺:跑模擬費時,large storage,coding

4. Implementations -- Construct a read system
優:the most accurate way
缺:too costly, environment may change

OS參考資源 -- Operating System Study Guide

Operating System Study Guide

這裡有Operating Systems Concepts(恐龍本)6/e的詳細筆記

作者是師大資工博士生 蕭宇程 (才大我三歲@@")



之後會貼上我自己整理的Operating Systems Principles/Concepts 7/e筆記,主要參考資料是課堂講義和他的文章。

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